contacts mercearia bio
address mercearia bio café lagos
Rua Victor da Costa e Silva, s/n 8600-645 LagosGPS:
Latitude: 37.10713301599299 Longitude: -8.675575378722614telephone:
282 242 282 (Chamada para rede fixa nacional)mercearia bio cafe opening hours:
Mondays: 10am-7pm Tuesday: 9am-7pm Wednesday: 9am-8pm Thursday and friday: 9am-7pm Saturday: 8am-3pm sundays and public holidays closed 24th and 31st december: 8am-2pm Open 26th december and 2st januaryonline orders:
282 476 686 (Chamada para rede fixa nacional)sales contacts:
Pedro Castro Gonçalves: 961 563 777 (Chamada para rede móvel nacional) Nuno Sequeira: 927 420 701 (Chamada para rede móvel nacional)general email: CONTACT UScontact form
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