Online Contest My Mother is...
The Organic Grocery invites all Sons and Daughters to enter the online contest that celebrates the Mum's Day "My Mother is...", that will be celebrated on the 3rd May.
To enter the contest Sons and Daughters should submit HERE, till midnight of the 30th April 2015, Thursday, a sentence that must include the words "organic" and "strawberry(ies)", indicatig also their name, email and or a telephone number.
Our Team has already chosen. The winning sentence, that we share, is from Micaela Cardoso
"Fruit Salad!" that is how Mummy calls us,
each with their own features,
no preference for strawberry, pear or apple,
all fruit of many years of love and complicity.
There is no distinction,
be it a biological child or not,
equals be it in the education,
love, care and even in the sermon!
Thank you to all participants and congratulations to Micaela! Share this news with your friends